Board of Advisors

Board of Advisors

“Because of Achieve, I am more comfortable and aware. I know that Achieve is a place to learn from my mistakes.”
Achieve Student

The Achieve Board of Advisors, which includes 21 members, is a standing committee of the Noble and Greenough School Board of Trustees. There are quarterly board meetings during which members discuss development plans and fundraising progress for the program.


2021-22 Achieve Board of Advisors:
Gabriel Gomez, Chair
Amy Millay, Vice Chair
Holly Bonomo ’86Cathy Hall, Head of School
Stacy Cowan
Mary Higgins
Sylvia Kuzman Crawford
George Maley
Ellen Crowley ’09
Heidi McNeill
Sherrie Delinsky ’94
Bob Pinderhuges ’67
Tony DiNovi
Christine Schuster
Reggie Farina ’00
Ben Snyder
Laurie Gliklich
Heather Sullivan
Steve Ginsberg
Reginald Toussaint
Allison Gordon